Edmund McMillen制作了很多比较有名的独立游戏,其中玩家最能够叫上名的恐怕莫过于《超级食肉男孩》了,这款游戏中收集了Edmund McMillen的多款独立游戏。
Aether ( an exploration adventure game ) Time Fcuk ( a dark puzzle game ) Spewer ( a physics based platformer ) Meat Boy ( the super meat boy prototype ) Grey Matter ( an anti shooter ) Coil (an experimental game ) Triachnid (a physics based spider sim) The collection also features 2 secret unlockable games and tons of unlockable comics, sketch books and even never before scene stock footage from Indie Game: The Movie
操作系统:Windows XP, Vista, 7 CPU:2.3 GHz Dual Core + 内存:4GB 硬盘空间:1GB 显卡:Nvidia 9800 +